Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive behavior interventions and supports
What does this mean at Schultz?
At Schultz we follow the 5 bees:
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Safe
- Be Patient
- Be Ready to Be our Best
Students can earn bee stickers for demonstrating one of our 5 bees throughout our school. Students turn in their bee sticker tickets to their teachers and one name per classroom per week is drawn from the tickets as the bee sticker winner. Names are announced on Monday and students are able to pick a prize from our bee cart if their name is called.
The ZONES of Regulation: The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum framework that uses 4 colored zones for feelings and emotions. The 4 colors are red, blue, green, yellow.
Here at Schultz we do a pacer buddy program. The entire school is divided up into groups. We get together 4 times a school year in our groups and participate in a variety of activities. Our meetings occur once a quarter. Teams are divided up as 3rd/K, 1st/4th, 2nd/5th with the rest of the building placed in these groupings as well. We do this to help students and staff have a sense of belonging and continue to build a sense of community across our school.
Pacer buddy activity 1: September 10th
Pacer buddy activity 2: November 4th
Pacer buddy activity 3: February 26th
Pacer buddy activity 4: May 15th